Spend time with your family and friends
Some of us find comfort in making to-do lists, but be sure to carve out family and friend
Make funeral arrangements
Look through the decedent’s papers for evidence of a prepaid burial or funeral plan. If the decedent was on public assistance, contact social services to see whether burial assistance is available. And in certain circumstances, Veterans Affairs offers burial benefits to military personnel and their family members.
Secure the decedent’s home and care for any pets
If the decedent was living in a private residence, secure the property and find a temporary home for pets. Be sure to collect any mail and contact the post office to set up mail forwarding.
Locate the decedent’s estate planning documents
Most individuals keep their will and estate planning documents in a secure place at home, with their attorney, or in a safe deposit box. If you suspect a will may be in a safe deposit box, contact the bank – a representative will open the box in the presence of an heir or beneficiary.
Contact an experienced probate attorney
Regardless of whether you find any estate planning documents, set up an initial consultation with an attorney.
Do not remove assets, claim benefits, or change title to any property until consulting an attorney.
For an initial, no obligation consultation, contact us here or call 720-588-9830.